In recent days, the Bible tells of a terrible series of events that in the countries of Israel and Syria. One such event is the disappearance of Damascus as one of the first cities in the world. The oldest inhabited city in the world, Damascus has witnessed at least 5,000 years of human history and some historians believe that the city is actually the seventh millennium BC. In fact, it appeared to Paul on the Damascus road, when BCHe, an event that changed not only his life but the course of human history.
In the near future, Damascus will once again play an important role in human affairs. The prophet Isaiah, God gives us to comment in any future conflict between Damascus and Israel, and then reveals some of the prophecies that partially satisfied in the past. However, the final fulfillment of Isaiah 17 remains in the future. The current existence of Damascus, one daystop, a city and the historical absence of the coalition of nations prophesied to attack Israel and be destroyed by God, is proof that Isaiah had prophesied 17 events still to come.
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This is what God has revealed to the prophet Isaiah:
Isaiah 17 - Destruction of Damascus
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Soothe your child into a restful, relaxing nap or night of sleep with the Sleep Sheep from Cloud b. This soft and adorable sleep time pal plays calming sounds that help drown out distracting noises and let baby drift into dreams. The Sleep Sheep creates a kind of white noise that blocks out the other surrounding sounds, so babies can be lulled into sleep. This parents-little-helper also comes with a Velcro tab so you can secure the Sleep Sheep to the outside of a crib. The Sleep Sheep features user-friendly operation. Select sounds by simply pressing the push button, and then choose the most comfortable volume. For added convenience and to save battery power, the sounds automatically time out after 23 minutes--enough time for baby to fall into a comfortable and restorative sleep.Compact and lightweight, the Sleep Sheep stands 12 inches tall and takes two "AA" batteries (included). The sound box removes if your child simply wants to use the Sleep Sheep as a stuffed toy, and clean-up is a snap--just wipe the surface with soap and water.This Sleep Sheep comes with the Cloud b Baby Sheep quiet rattle which makes a perfect companion for your little one. His little arms and legs are the perfect size for baby's developing hands to grab on to and a soft organic sound calms a fussy baby. The baby sheep rattle measures 8 inches long.
"This message came to me the way to Damascus:" See, Damascus will disappear, become a heap of ruins, the city Aroer to let the sheep out to pasture lying in the streets and fear no one, it will blow up ...! on. L 'fortified cities of Israel will be destroyed, and eventually the power of Damascus. The few days in Aram will share the fate of Israel's departed glory, 'says the Lord Almighty. "Isaiah 17:1-3 (NLT)
These opening verses paint a bleak picture. The city of Damascus is a disaster to be destroyed. Few, if necessary, the buildings will remain. The city, once great will be no human life and the home of all types of animals to hunt in the absence of manon.
According to these verses, the cities Aroer east are on the north bank of the Arnon of the Dead Sea, will also leave. However, the move is not to say that they are destroyed in the same way as the Damascus, but only that they will leave. It may be that people simply flee these cities out of fear.
Also, many of fortified cities in northern Israel will be destroyed. The few who remain in Syria, 38 miles south-southeastDamascus, share the fate of this city in northern Israel.
"'On that day the glory of Israel is very weak, because the stems are the country's poverty. Israel is like the wheat fields in the valley of the giants are abandoned after the harvest. Only a few of his men to leave, such as olive spread leave the tree after harvest. Only two or three will remain in the highest branches, four or five are on the tip of the arts. Yes, Israel will be stripped of people, "says the Lordthe God of Israel. "Isaiah 17:4-6 (NLT)
The breadth and scope of destruction is clearly illustrated how God describes the landscape of Israel as a people despoiled. Only a small percentage of people who choose to stay at home, or survive, resulting in massive holocaust, leaving only a few residents who are struggling in poverty.
"Then, finally, people will think of their Creator and have respect for the Holy One of Israel. You will no longer ask their idols of worship or helpto what their own hands. You will never again bow their plantations, or burn incense on the altars they built. "Isaiah 17:7-8 (NLT)
As a result of this event the people of Israel will return to God Almighty to do. Currently, the people of Israel mainly secular character. Other biblical passages infer that this shows how to change the rebuilding of the Temple prophesied in the last days of a spiritual revival among Jews in Israel. However, thisPassage clearly shows the people of Israel will be away from all false gods and idols.
Knowing that this will happen, we must ask: Why did it happen? The answer lies in the following lines:
"The biggest cities are deserted as overgrown bushes that will be like the cities of the Amorites abandoned when the Israelites came here long ago, why, why you are the God who can save you turned -..? Rock, is the can hide. the most beautiful plants that can beimported screws and can be so good that flourished on the morning they grow the plants, but never all grapes. Their harvest will be just a load of grief and pain of being incurable. "Isaiah 17:9-11 (NLT)
The devastation that overshadows Israel because Israel will be "transformed from a God who can save them." All the hard work lost before this event. Those were things of this world is distracted to be disappointed, forhave God, and forgetting the faith in the things of this world will be ultimately disappointed. Their only harvest will be "a load of grief and incurable pain." This pain will be brought to a climax when, in the midst of their suffering that the nation faces an imminent Israeli invasion:
"Behold, the armies rush forward like waves crashing against the shore. But when they roar like breakers on the beach, to escape God is silent. They are scattered like chaff before the windor like the whirling dust before a storm. In the evening Israel waits in terror, but at dawn its enemies are dead. This is the just punishment of those who plunder and destruction of the people of God "Isaiah 17:12-14 (NLT)
While Syria and Israel are in ruin, the enemies of Israel, their suffering as an opportunity to attack, destroy their objective to see forever. However, God has another plan in mind, and he will destroy these same invaders. A more complete explanation of thisThe attack is made in Psalm 83:
"O God, look not stand by, silent and inactive! Not you hear the tumult of the enemy? You do not see what your arrogant enemies do, please crafty plans against your people working on the plans against your precious. " Come, "they say" Let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroy the memory of his existence. "This was their unanimous decision, signed a treaty as allies against you -. These Edomites and Ishmaelites, Moaband Hagrites, Gebalites, Ammon and Amalek, and people from the Philistines and Tyre. Assyria has joined them, too, and is connected to the descendants of Lot. They like you did the Midianites or as you would to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River. They were destroyed at Endor, and their decaying bodies fertilize the soil. Let their mighty nobles die Oreb and Zeeb added. Let all their princes die like Sebah and Zalmunna, she said, "We do for our purposes to pastureGod! "Oh my God, blow away like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind! Roars like a fire in a forest, mountain like a flame burning, hunting with your fierce storms that scare your storms. Completely disgraceful, until your name, Lord present. Siano shame and fear forever. make mistakes in everything until you know that you alone are the Lord said to know that you alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth "Psalm 83 .(NLT)
So how do we know that Psalm 83 describes the same scene laid in Isaiah 17? If we compare the two. Here's how the intentions of Israel's enemies are described:
Plunder & Destruction
"This is the just punishment of those who plunder and destroy the people of God." Isaiah 17:14 (NLT)
"You develop plans cunning against your people, about the plans against your precious." Come, "they say," we must wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroyremember much of his life. "This was their unanimous decision." Psalm 83:3-5 (NLT)
"Because they said," Let's pasture for our purposes to take God! "Psalm 83:12 (NLT)
Here, as the fate of Israel's enemies are described:
"They are like chaff by the wind or like dust whirling before a storm scattered to escape." Isaiah 17:13 (NLT)
"Oh my God, blow away like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind!" Psalm 83:13 (NLT)
From the descriptiontheir fate alone, it is reasonable to conclude that the armies of the prophet Isaiah 17:12 The same nations that a treaty against the Lord in Psalm 83:5-8 are characters. Here is a list of those nations and their modern equivalents Region:
Edom = Jordan / Parts of West Bank
Ismailis = the Arab people
Moab = Jordan / Parts of West Bank
Hagrites = Jordan / The Arab people
Gebalites = Lebanon
Ammonites = Jordan
Amalek = Southern IsraelGaza
Philistia = Gaza
Tyre = Lebanon
Assyria = parts of Turkey and Syria, Iraq
The descendants of Lot = Jordan
By studying the geographical history of this ancient people and places, we find that the nations are now up. After Psalm 83, following the destruction of northern Israel and Damascus, Israel will be invaded by armies of Jordan, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and the Gaza Strip. The area is densely populated byEnemies of Israel today.
The expansion of the war?
But the nations mentioned in Psalm 83, the nations only involved in this attack? It 'possible that additional conspirators in the Book of Ezekiel are mentioned. Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 could also imagine the war of Gog and Magog.
In Ezekiel 38-39, a great coalition of nations, a vast and awesome horde "- tilt to Israel," like a storm and cover the earth as a cloud "Ezekiel 38:9 (NLT). This war is prophesied in the futureEzekiel has many similarities to Isaiah 17:12-14. Both the prophets see a time when enemy armies rush toward Israel while she awaits unprepared. Both require the immediate destruction of the prophets of God, enemies of Israel. And in both scenarios, the marching armies intend to plunder and destroy the people of Israel:
"They will say:" Israel is a country with villages unprotected dirt! I marched against them and destroy these people who live in complete confidence! "Ezekiel 38:11 (NLT)
"But I ask Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish," Who ordered them in silver and gold Who are you have to drive to seize their cattle and goods, and rob the poor? "Ezekiel 38:13 (NLT)
Plunder & Destruction
"This is the just punishment of those who plunder and destroy the people of God." Isaiah 17:14 (NLT)
Could the events predicted in Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83, a catalyst for the war of Gog and Magog prophesied in Ezekiel38-39? Although it is uncertain, the possibility can not be totally excluded.
Today's headlines
Looking at today's geopolitical landscape, it is not difficult to imagine the scenario outlined in Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83rd Syria has been adamant in its demand that Israel give up the Golan Heights, threatening war if Israel does not comply. Meanwhile, the leaders, the summer 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah has apparently convinced him to Damascus, Syria can be victorious ina conflict with Israel, the overwhelming tiny nation with rocket attacks. From a broader perspective, the entire Islamic world that Israel has militarily invincible nation that once thought convinced.
Syria's rocket technology is far more advanced than those used by Hezbollah, and Syria is known to possess chemical weapons, including sarin and VX gas very deadly. If Syria attacks Israel with these weapons are wrong and the Israeli responsefast and devastating. Israel has nuclear weapons, and if their survival is in question, it will not hesitate to use them.
When this happens, a mortally wounded Israel has become an irresistible target for their enemies. The countries surrounding Muslim see the opportunity to destroy them, while Russia take the opportunity to prevail in the oil-rich Middle East to see.
Today, the enemies of Israel in the most violent places in Psalm 83 are living with the name - Hamasin Gaza, Palestinians in the West Bank and Jordan, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria and its leadership and its axis of evil partner in the city of Damascus.
As I write, the conditions are ripe for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83, the road to the rapture of the Church and the beginning of the tribulation. In light of these developments, we must zealously preach the Gospel of Christ to all those who listen. For the hour is late, and the second coming of Christ isnearby.
Isaiah 17 - Destruction of DamascusGentle Giraffe Tube. Duration : 1.18 Mins.
Tags: Gentle, Giraffe
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